Married. as there are thousands of children living with unmarried parents, and while the women is usually the lower paid one. If the partner takes of with some young flousie then he still has to maintain the children and the home, if he wants to take on expenses for 2 or more families more fool him.? what do you think?I think it is good that unmarried couples are going to get the same rights as?
I think because of the social climate of our times it is only right. Marriage is on a downward spiral, the children and ';family'; should be protected despite the parents marital status.I think it is good that unmarried couples are going to get the same rights as?
If court settlements after breakups are handled the same way for those who were legally married and for those who lived together, then, people would be more careful about all their choices. It isn't the paper that makes a marriage but commitment. Those that don't marry won't have such an easy out. And, I think that's good. C. :)!!
i think that unfortunately people dont get married anymore because it is to much responsibility and this law just makes it easier not to get married so i disagree that it is good. it is avery bad thing as i think when you are married you are more stable and work at things more, if you argue you forgive, unlike if you are just partners you just give up, please what is wrong with people nower days they are so easy to give up and want all the benifits for doing nothing
Just imagine being single and had worked to build up your own business, say it's worth hundreds of thousands, would you let your partner move in?
How could you take the the risk that 5 years down the line you split and they want a third or half of the company and your money?
It would mean a massive court battle and even though they might not win that amount in full your still going to be spending mon ths and a small fortune to fight the claim.
You can look on marraige as a religious, spiritual and romantic thing but let's just deal with it from the legal point of view in that you have a choice.
You can get legally married, decide to share all your wealth, home, business or you don't and then you both have the choice to keep everything separate.
Giving everyone the same rights takes away that choice, you can't keep your business or treasured possessions safe from gold diggers, i would be very worried about being single if this happens.
Forgetting children, forgetting families, forget all that, there has to be a legal way to protect what is yours, what you have worked for when you enter a relationship and we have that now, the choice of not getting married.
If you want the benefits of marriage get married. It's that simple.
i dont all
I think its great too
yeah but what about all the gold digging money grabing *****'s out there that will be with me just for the lolly.................???
and there is some out there trust me
yes it is # it shows that soociety is accpting peoples rights more and more
The institution of Marriage is important. Our society has changed the way people look at marriage. Divorce is on the rise and there are many children living in a broken home. Family values are not the same as they were years ago. Marriage protccts the family values as long as you know the rules. There are different situations that cause divorce and I am not toatally against them. There are not any situations that two people should not have a legal paper that gives them their rights on who gets what and how to split things. Pre Nup... that is the answer. If you love someone enough to marry them you should trust them in what they want. Everyone must now protect themselves in the event of a break up. The children suffer the most. Their standard of living is taken away and there is nothing they can do about it.
If you are unmarried and never were then the rights should not be the same. If you were married and divorced the rights should be.
Bottom line marriage is the key to your rights.
I doubt any of this made sense on paper but in my head I know what I wanted to say....
Think it's been along time coming but it's absolutely right.
Shame so many women in the past have had to lose out cos they've had no rights.
In my country, if you have been living in a defacto relationship for 3 years then you have the same rights in law as though you were married. Doesn't seem to have caused any major problems..
I am with alphacenturi - he has a really good point. By the way, don't forget it works both ways, in my view, if the woman runs off with another man - why should she get any money. Money for the kids yes but not for her - she can get a job an pay her own way. Sometimes, a man would prefer to take on two expenses then stay with a woman he doesn not want to be with.
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