Friday, July 30, 2010

Who else is sickened by the sight of happy young couples?

I think they should outlaw yong lovers from being out in public. It sickens me to see people happily in love enjoying something that Ill never see in my life. I hate it! The sight of young lovers make me want to puke!Who else is sickened by the sight of happy young couples?
awww, are you bitter, poor you : (Who else is sickened by the sight of happy young couples?
Look, I was in a relationship for six yrs that was the most miserable time of my life. And the thing is whenever I saw a young married couple prance by me with their cute cuddely babies, I resented them and got jealous because I wanted the happiness they had. The thing is they didn't know me and it wasn't their fault that I was in such a dead end and loveless relationship. But I was feeling envy and bitterness and that was making me more miserable without me realizing it. So, instead of sitting back and watching ppl live their happy lives, while I was wasting mine on a loser, I decided to do something about it. ANd I got rid of the jerk, and started living my life for me, and not because of what others had. And I was able to open my heart up and learn to love again. And even though Ive dated another jerk or too, I don't feel that bitterness when I see happy couples because I know that it is something I may want, but I can live without. And Never say never, you may find true love someday to. But as long as you stay bitter you won't. Learn to be happy with what you got and who you are, and someone may come along.
wow, u are one mad man.
sounds like you just had a broken relationship, or maybe you've never been in love. stop being bitter and fix that attitude - just wait until you fall in love!!!
well that is why I prefer to be an angry young couple..just kidding...

pal if you are jealous of what you can't wedding singer and get over yourself...
Wow, seriously get a life and a partner. Maybe there is someone out there for u, but u have to stop bein so damn bitter. U should be happy for others, then that will bring happiness to u.
You would find that kind of love. But it sounds like you need to adjust your attitude a Lil.
I suggest the love boat dude...
i agree, sometimes it makes me want to puke, but then i remember that love will find you when the time is right
What the hells wrong with you, what crawled up your ***. This is year 2007, get used to it. What is so wrong about young couples getting in love? If anything, you sicken me, get out of here kuz everyone f'uckin hates ur guts
are you an old fart or what ?
someone has anger issues.....

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